“If at any time you feel overwhelmed and would like to speak with me, please schedule a no-cost 15-minute phone consultation via this business coaching page

Starting a memory bear business involved a lot of moving pieces, some more fun than others, though all are necessary. Things to consider are:
- Business Name
- Legal Filings
- Filing Taxes
- Domain Name
- Hosting Company (I use this company and recommend them)
- Payment Processors
- Marketing and Publicity
The trick to successfully getting your memory bear business off the ground is to plan and organize your materials, prioritize your time, and stay on top of these moving parts.
From registering with the government to getting the word out about your business to making key financial decisions, here’s an overview of what you’ll need to start and run a successful memory bear sewing business.
This is not one of the fun parts, however, it is necessary. All new businesses need to be legally structured according to rules and regulations in your State, City, and County. This includes things like determining the legal structure of your business, your business name, registering with the government, and things like getting a tax code, a business license, seller’s permit, vendor and/or transient vendor’s license.
Businesses are regulated on the federal, state, and local levels. It’s important to check what’s required on all three of these levels to ensure you are operating legally. When you register your business with the government, be sure you’re covering registration on all the levels required for your memory bear sewing service location. Your business won’t be a legal entity without covering these, so stay on top of it.
It can be overwhelming to figure out what legal steps you need to take for your location, so let’s break it down in this memory bear business guide. Below you will find a brief explanation of what goes into each of the steps, along with some helpful links and resources so you can dig a little deeper. (Note: These steps are suggestions for starting a memory bear business in the U.S. only)